Character Sheets for Shadowrun II Version 3.0 December 13, 1998 by Wordman ( These character sheets come in a single PDF file. This file and copies of the sheets may be distributed freely to anyone and to anywhere, as long as three conditions are met: 1) no profit is made by such distribution. 2) the files and/or sheets are unaltered. In the case of xeroxes of these sheets, this cover page must be included. 3) These sheets, in any form, may not be included in any other publication, electronic or otherwise (e.g. KaGe, NERPS, etc.) without written permission from the creator. Please mail any errors, corrections, or comments to me. The more feedback I get, the better I can make the sheets. The first part of the file is a collection of six front sides for the sheets. The second is a collection of sixteen back sheets, based on archetype. The third part contains pages filled with multiple copies of similar items, (e.g. condition monitors, vehicles, etc.). The intent is to mix one back sheet with one front sheet for a complete character sheet, but you can use any number of sheets you like. Also, don't feel constrained by the archetype I gave each sheet. For example, your samurai may fit better on the Gadgeteer sheet. The listed archetype is just conceptual. The font used here is Shadowrun, a font I designed. It should be available on the same ftp site from which you got this file. Shadowrun is a Registered Trademark of FASA Corporation. Original Shadowrun material Copyright c. 1998 by FASA Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Used without permission. Any use of FASA Corporation's copyrighted material or trademarks in this file should not be viewed as a challenge to those copyrights or trademarks. The page breakdowns for these sheets are as follows: Fronts Page One ‹ This cover page. Page Two ‹ A standard front sheet. Page Three ‹ As page two, but with less space for skills and more space for weapons and contacts. Page Four ‹ As page two, but with more space for weapons and less space for contacts and skills. Page Five ‹ As page two, but with more space for contacts and less space for weapons and skills. Page Six ‹ As page two, but with more spaces for edges and flaws, and less space for gear. Backs Page Seven ‹ Mage sheet. Page Eight ‹ Real Mage (no cyber, more spells). Page Nine ‹ Houngan sheet. Page Ten ‹ Conjurer sheet. Page Eleven ‹ Mage/Decker sheet. Page Twelve ‹ Decker/Physical Adept sheet. Page Thirteen ‹ Decker sheet. Page Fourteen ‹ Rigger sheet. Page Fifteen ‹ Rigger/Decker sheet. Page Sixteen ‹ Samurai sheet. Page Seventeen ‹ Samurai (alternate) sheet. Page Eighteen ‹ Mercenary sheet. Page Nineteen ‹ Gadgeteer sheet. Page Twenty ‹ Physical Adept sheet. Page Twenty-one ‹ Physical Mage sheet. Page Twenty-two ‹ Otaku sheet Extras Page Twenty-three ‹ Vehicle records Page Twenty-four ‹ Bigger vehicle records Page Twenty-five ‹ Condition monitors Page Twenty-six ‹ Weapon records Page Twenty-seven ‹ NPC records Page Twenty-eight ‹ Gear Pagee Twenty-nine ‹ Finance Changes since version 2.3 (14 JUN 98): o Reworked all fronts, reducing size of contact information and increasing skill and gear spaces (by lots of requests). o Added balanced front o Added extra gear, edges & flaws front (by request) o Added houngan sheet (by request) o Added conjurer sheet (by request) o Added decker/phys ad sheet (by request) o Added detailed vehicle sheet o Added gear sheet (by request) o Added finances sheet (by request) o Fronts: general redesign. o Fronts: Defined space for allergy in edges & flaws section o Fronts: Added concealibility and rating columns to most gear sections (by request) o Backs: Changed physical adept magical information space (by request) o Backs: Added gear section to physical adept back o Extras: Added missing Charisma rating to NPC sheet o Extras: Corrected spelling of "Skills" on NPC sheet Changes since version 2.2 (7 APR 98): o Changed damage monitor of vehicle record on all sheets o Added alternate samurai sheet (by request) o Added vehicle sheet o Added condition monitor sheet o Added weapon sheet o Added NPC sheet o Fronts: Gave extra armor space to More Weapons sheet (by request) o Fronts: Added mode column to weapons list (by request) o Fronts: Added Natural Reach space to bottom of weapons list (by request) o Fronts: Added Natural Recoil Mod space to bottom of weapons list (by request) o Backs: Added signal control monitors to remote control decks (by request) o Backs: Corrected spelling of "Initiation" (by request) Changes since version 2.1 (2 FEB 98): o Backs: Added rigger/decker sheet (by request) o Backs: Added physical/mage sheet (by request) Changes since version 2.0: o Consolodated into single PDF file. o Altered vehicle and drone boxes to use Rigger 2 rules. o Fronts: Added space for edges and flaws o Fronts: Added third attribute column: "Alternate". o Fronts: Added two fill in the blank spaces to pools section for optional pools like social and dogde. o Fronts: Compressed the vital statistic section a bit o Backs: Added detection factor to cyberdeck box o Backs: Added some columns to the frames box on the Decker sheet o Backs: Added cranial remote deck box to Rigger sheet o Backs: Added sheet for Otaku